The most common way to burn calories and lose weight is cardio training. You know, go to the gym, hop on the treadmill, and spend the next 45 minutes walking but not actually going anywhere. Then repeating that for 5 or more times a week. (The more, the better “they” say.) While cardio is a great way to lose weight quickly, it isn’t as efficient as other methods. Not only is it not as efficient as this other method I’m about to tell you about, it can also be counter productive or even dangerous if you don’t do it properly. Here’s what I mean.

When you’re running on the treadmill, your body is supplying you with energy from the fat reserves you have stored in your body. Sounds good, right? Not as much as you think! What happens is that your body creates even more fat to “prepare” for the next time you’re going to need it.
The other problem with cardio training is that it trains your heart and organs to become more efficient. That will enable you to do them to do the same amount of work they usually do by while spending less energy that normal. Once again, sounds good, but it isn’t. When you hop on to a treadmill and walk at a constant speed for 45 minutes, you’re training your body to work at exactly that level. That’s why you will feel it getting easier and easier to walk for that time after a few weeks. You think you’re getting in shape but the reality is that your heart and muscles have just grown used to your workout, so now they don’t burn as much calories as they used to when you first started out.
This will also cause problems for you when you need sudden bursts of energy as your heart may not be able to cope properly which could be very dangerous. What if I told you there was a much better method to burn fat that was twice as effective as cardio and require half the time and effort. Would you be interested?
The best way to turn your body into a calorie crunching monster is through resistance training. When you lift weights or do any other form of resistance training, you’re basically breaking down your tiny muscle fibers which means your body will have to rebuild them. Where does your body get the energy to repair and maintain itself 24 hours a day? From your stored fat and calories of course! That means you will be burning fat the entire night while sleeping after a simple resistance training workout.
The other benefit of resistance training is that it makes your heart and lungs ready for any stress they may come under which gives you a much healthier and lean body than long cardio sessions can. The best thing is that you won’t have to spend hours a week on your resistance training workouts, so if you’re a busy person then resistance training is for you.