
Many people instantly stereotype blush as being old fashioned, but with the right shade and application, blush can create a beautiful, feminine look. Blush has often been called “the instant prettier” It can instantly help brighten up a dull complexion or give light to a tired looking face. Blush can create a beautiful and feminine look when it is the right color and it is applied in the proper way.
Choosing a Blush
Choosing the right shade of blush is critical to how it will look on the skin. Many times women choose blushes that are too light or too dark. For women that have very light skin, pick a very shimmery peach or light pink. Anything more than this will make you look like a clown. For medium skin tones, try warm peaches or warm pinks. If you have a very dark skin complexion, stay away from light blushes. To best compliment your natural beauty, try deep browns or deep pinks.
Applying Blush
One of the main mistakes women will make when applying blush is that they apply way too much. You will want to start by dipping a makeup brush into the blush and then tapping off the excess powder, this will prevent getting too much blush on the face. Start at the apples of the cheeks and apply upwards in long strokes. Apply only a few strokes. Try to restrain from using short strokes, this will make the blush appear uneven.
Blush Tips
  • Apply all your makeup before applying blush. Blush should be the very last step.
  • For a more sun-kissed look, apply bronzer instead of blush. It will make you look as if you just got back from a week in the Caribbean.
  • Always apply less blush than you think you need. When you get out in the daylight, the blush always appears darker.
  • Blush is meant to make you look more vibrant naturally, so don’t cake the blush on or you will end up looking like a clown.
Remember that the main goal of blush is to give you a natural flush, so do not go overboard!