
Accutane, also known as Isotretinoin, is a medication used for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. It is most commonly used for people who have tried many different products and nothing has helped their acne. Most people who use Accutane will see a considerate improvement in their skin within just a couple of months. Accutane can help with blemishes, blackheads, white heads and acne scarring. However, Accutane can be dangerous and should only be used in the correct way. Read below to find out more about Accutane.

General Information
Before you are allowed to take Accutane, several precise processes need to take place. You have to get a prescription from your dermatologist in order to be able to take Accutane. Before the dermatologist is allowed to prescribe the drug, a urine test must be administered to make sure that the user is not pregnant or does not have other serious medical conditions that can worsen if Accutane is taken. You will also have to go back each month to get a new prescription, and each time you need to have a urine test and blood drawn. The prescription needs to be filled within 7 days of the date that it was written or you will need to go get a new prescription written.
Side Effects
During treatment their can be many side effects that a person may experience. Side effects can be potentially serious and you should consult with your dermatologist about any side effects that you may experience while using Accutane. The following is a list of some of the most common side effects:
  • Dry skin and lips
  • Itching
  • Increased sensitivity to sun
  • Peeling skin
  • Thinning hair
  • Dry, red and irritated eyes
  • Nosebleeds
  • Bleeding gums
  • Pain in your muscles
  • Decreased night vision
  • Headaches, nausea, vomiting or blurred vision
  • Depression or changes in your mood
  • Unusual tiredness or lack of appetite
  • Severe stomach pain or diarrhea