Cute Short Trendy Hairstyles for girls
Cute Short Trendy Hairstyles for girls is All New launched it's new website. The design is much easier to navigate, it gives shoppers the chance to see reviews before they purchase, create a review after they've purchased, and provides hair styling tips. The site is much more than just a flat iron store, you can head there to read see photos of other women celebrating their hair!
Right now just in time for the launch is having a sales and providing discounts for you!
The BEST offer?!? 10% off any product in their 10 top list.
Wasiat Sebelum Tidur
Majdi As-Sayyid Ibrahim
- "Ali berkata, Fathimah mengeluhkan bekas alat penggiling yang dialaminya. Lalu pada saat itu ada seorang tawanan yang mendatangi Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Maka Fathimah bertolak, namun tidak bertemu dengan beliau. Dia mendapatkan Aisyah. Lalu dia mengabarkan kepadanya. Tatkala Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tiba, Aisyah mengabarkan kedatangan Fathimah kepada beliau. Lalu beliau mendatangi kami, yang kala itu kami hendak berangkat tidur. Lalu aku siap berdiri, namun beliau berkata. 'Tetaplah di tempatmu'. Lalu beliau duduk di tengah kami, sehingga aku bisa merasakan dinginnya kedua telapak kaki beliau di dadaku. Beliau berkata. 'Ketahuilah, akan kuajarkan kepadamu sesuatu yang lebih baik daripada apa yang engkau minta kepadaku. Apabila engkau hendak tidur, maka bertakbirlah tiga puluh empat kali, bertasbihlah tiga puluh tiga kali, dan bertahmidlah tiga puluh tiga kali, maka itu lebih baik bagimu daripada seorang pembantu". (Hadits Shahih, ditakhrij Al-Bukhari 4/102, Muslim 17/45, Abu Dawud hadits nomor 5062, At-Tirmidzi hadits nomor 3469, Ahmad 1/96, Al-Baihaqy 7/293)
Inilah wasiat Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bagi putrinya yang suci, Fathimah, seorang pemuka para wanita penghuni sorga. Maka marilah kita mempelajari apa yang bermanfa'at bagi kehidupan dunia dan akhirat kita dari wasiat ini.
Fathimah merasa capai karena banyaknya pekerjaan yang harus ditanganinya, berupa pekerjaan-pekerjaan rumah tangga, terutama pengaruh alat penggiling. Maka dia pun pergi menemui Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam untuk meminta seorang pembantu, yakni seorang wanita yang bisa membantunya.
Tatkala Fathimah memasuki rumah Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, dia tidak mendapatkan beliau. Dia hanya mendapatkan Aisyah, Ummul Mukminin. Lalu Fathimah menyebutkan keperluannya kepada Aisyah. Tatkala beliau tiba, Aisyah mengabarkan urusan Fathimah.
Beliau mempertimbangkan permintaan Fathimah. Dan, memang beliau mempunyai beberapa orang tawanan perang, ada pula dari kaum wanitanya. Tetapi tawanan-tawanan ini akan dijual, dan hasilnya akan disalurkan kepada orang-orang Muslim yang fakir, yang tidak mempunyai tempat tinggal dan makanan kecuali dari apa yang diberikan Rasulullah. Lalu beliau pergi ke rumah Ali, suami Fathimah, yang saat itu keduanya siap hendak tidur. Beliau masuk rumah Ali dan Fathimah setelah meminta ijin dari keduanya. Tatkala beliau masuk, keduanya bermaksud hendak berdiri, namun beliau berkata. "Tetaplah engkau di tempatmu". "Telah dikabarkan kepadaku bahwa engkau datang untuk meminta. Lalu apakah keperluanmu?".
Fathimah menjawab. "Ada kabar yang kudengar bahwa beberapa pembantu telah datang kepada engkau. Maka aku ingin agar engkau memberiku seorang pembantu untuk membantuku membuat roti dan adonannya. Karena hal ini sangat berat bagiku".
Beliau berkata. "Mengapa engkau tidak datang meminta yang lebih engkau sukai atau lebih baik dari hal itu ?". Kemudian beliau memberi isyarat kepada keduanya, bahwa jika keduanya hendak tidur, hendaklah bertasbih kepada Allah, bertakbir dan bertahmid dengan bilangan tertentu yang disebutkan kepada keduanya. Lalu akhirnya beliau berkata. "Itu lebih baik bagimu daripada seorang pembantu".
Ali tidak melupakan wasiat ini, hingga setelah istrinya meninggal. Hal ini dikatakan Ibnu Abi Laila. "Ali berkata, 'Semenjak aku mendengar dari Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, aku tidak pernah meninggalkan wasiat itu".
Ada yang bertanya. "Tidak pula pada malam perang Shiffin ?".
Ali menjawab. "Tidak pula pada malam perang Shiffin".
(Ditakhrij Muslim 17/46. Yang dimaksud perang Shiffin di sini adalah perang antara pihak Ali dan Mu'awiyah di Shiffin, suatu daerah antara Irak dan Syam. Kedua belah pihak berada di sana beberapa bulan)
Boleh jadi engkau bertanya-tanya apa hubungan antara pembantu yang diminta Fathimah dan dzikir ?
Hubungan keduanya sangat jelas bagi orang yang memiliki hati atau pikiran yang benar-benar sadar. Sebab dzikir bisa memberikan kekuatan kepada orang yang melakukannya. Bahkan kadang-kadang dia bisa melakukan sesuatu yang tidak pernah dibayangkan. Di antara manfaat dzikir adalah :
- Menghilangkan duka dan kekhawatiran dari hati.
- Mendatangkan kegembiraan dan keceriaan bagi hati.
- Memberikan rasa nyaman dan kehormatan.
- Membersihkan hati dari karat, yaitu berupa lalai dan hawa nafsu.
Secara umum wasiat ini mempunyai faidah yang agung dan banyak manfaat serta kebaikannya. Inilah yang disebutkan oleh sebagian ulama :
Menurut Ibnu Baththal, di dalam hadits ini terkandung hujjah bagi keutamaan kemiskinan daripada kekayaan. Andaikata kekayaan lebih utama daripada kemiskinan, tentu beliau akan memberikan pembantu kepada Ali dan Fathimah. Dzikir yang diajarkan beliau dan tidak memberikan pembantu kepada keduanya, bisa diketahui bahwa beliau memilihkan yang lebih utama di sisi Allah bagi keduanya.
Pendapat ini disanggah oleh Al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar. Menurutnya, hal ini bisa berlaku jika beliau mempunyai lebihan pembantu. Sementara sudah disebutkan dalam pengabaran di atas bahwa beliau merasa perlu untuk menjual para tawanan itu untuk menafkahi orang-orang miskin. Maka menurut Iyadh, tidak ada sisi pembuktian dengan hadits ini bahwa orang miskin lebih utama daripada orang kaya.
Ada perbedaan pendapat mengenai makna kebaikan dalam pengabaran ini. Iyadh berkata. "Menurut zhahirnya, beliau hendak mengajarkan bahwa amal akhirat lebih utama daripada urusan dunia, seperti apapun keadaannya. Beliau membatasi pada hal itu, karena tidak memungkinkan bagi beliau untuk memberikan pembantu. Kemudian beliau mengajarkan dzikir itu, yang bisa mendatangkan pahala yang lebih utama daripada apa yang diminta keduanya".
Menurut Al-Qurthuby, beliau mengajarkan dzikir kepada keduanya, agar ia menjadi pengganti dari do'a tatkala keduanya dikejar kebutuhan, atau karena itulah yang lebih beliau sukai bagi putrinya, sebagaimana hal itu lebih beliau sukai bagi dirinya, sehingga kesulitannya bisa tertanggulangi dengan kesabaran, dan yang lebih penting lagi, karena berharap mendapat pahala.
Disini dapat disimpulkan tentang upaya mendahulukan pencari ilmu daripada yang lain terhadap hak seperlima harta rampasan perang.
Hendaklah seseorang menanggung sendiri beban keluarganya dan lebih mementingkan akhirat daripada dunia kalau memang dia memiliki kemampuan untuk itu.
Di dalam hadits ini terkandung pujian yang nyata bagi Ali dan Fathimah.
Seperti itu pula gambaran kehidupan orang-orang salaf yang shalih, mayoritas para nabi dan walinya.
Disini terkandung pelajaran sikap lemah lembut dan mengasihi anak putri dan menantu, tanpa harus merepotkan keduanya dan membiarkan keduanya pada posisi berbaring seperti semula. Bahkan beliau menyusupkan kakinya yang mulia di antara keduanya, lalu beliau mengajarkan dzikir, sebagai ganti dari pembantu yang diminta.
Orang yang banyak dzikir sebelum berangkat tidur, tidak akan merasa letih. Sebab Fathimah mengeluh letih karena bekerja. Lalu beliau mengajarkan dzikir itu. Begitulah yang disimpulkan Ibnu Taimiyah. Al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar berkata. "Pendapat ini perlu diteliti lagi. Dzikir tidak menghilangkan letih. Tetapi hal ini bisa ditakwil bahwa orang yang banyak berdzikir, tidak akan merasa mendapat madharat karena kerjanya yang banyak dan tidak merasa sulit, meskipun rasa letih itu tetap ada".
Begitulah wahai Ukhti Muslimah, wasiat Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam yang disampaikan kepada salah seorang pemimpin penghuni sorga, Fathimah, yaitu berupa kesabaran yang baik. Perhatikanlah bagaimana seorang putri Nabi dan istri seorang shahabat yang mulia, harus menggiling, membuat adonan roti dan melaksanakan pekerjaan-pekerjaan rumah tangganya. Maka mengapa engkau tidak menirunya ?
How to Prevent Damaged Hair
Hands down indirect heat is the healthiest form of heat for the hair. However improper usage of a hooded dryer can also lead to damaged hair. For instance while sitting under the dryer and falling asleep. Leaning your head up against the dry can possibly lead to the hair being burned because of the heat being directly against the hair. I know its hard ladies, because I have fallen asleep while under the dryer many days. As for air drying, when it comes to the absolute best as far as the health of your hair is concerned, air drying is the best way to go. Now yes ladies I know what happens to air dried hair of the coarser nature. However it is so much better for your hair to air dry than flat iron then to blow dry, flat iron and then hot curl all in one sitting.
Breakage and damage occurs from the treatment of your hair. If you are not keeping your hair clean, moisturized and away from harsh elements then your results will be damage. Applying heat, color and other chemicals to your hair with out the proper care will give you dry, brittle and breaking hair.
Steps to Prevent Hair Damage
Step 1: Wash your scalp with a moisturizing shampoo at least once a week, I recommend Creme of Nature or Herbal Essences long term relationship. However I prefer to do what is called a co-wash. A co-wash is a wash using conditioner only. The conditioner should be moisturizing and say so on the bottle. I use Herbal Essences long term relationship as well as Herbal Essences other moisturizing conditioner brands.
Step 2: Deep conditioning is very important to the health of the hair. You can deep condition by using a conditioner or cholesterol covering the hair with a plastic cap and sitting underneath a hooded dryer. I prefer to use any moisturizing conditioner I have on hand adding a little olive oil or coconut oil to it, putting on a plastic cap and just going on about my day doing house work. And if I feel I need a good deep condition doing this method and sleeping with the conditioner in my hair, by simply wearing a head scarf or satin bonnet over the plastic cap. The head generates heat on its own and when covered in the plastic cap the heat from the head is confined with in the cap.
Step 3: Air drying or roller setting the hair and sitting under a hooded dryer. When air drying I find that my hair becomes a bit rough and unruly. When I choose to air dry I almost always follow it with a flat ironing session. When flat ironing I use moderate heat and make sure I use a heat protect while doing so. I also pin curl when I'm done if imp interested in achieving a curly do, or I will braid in order to achieve waves.
Step 4: Keeping the hair covered while sleeping is very important. Wearing a satin head scarf or satin bonnet at night when going to bed is a very important step in preventing damage. If you're not the head covering type, then I recommend sleeping on satin pillow cases instead. Most materials when the hair rubs up against it repeatedly will cause damage. It is best to protect your hair by all means and trying it up or simply placing in a bun can help just a little.
Step 5: Keeping the ends of my hair up and away 95% of the time. The ends are the oldest part of your hair, making it the most fragile part of the entire hair shaft. Keeping the ends moisturized is imperative and by keeping the hair in a bun, tucked under or simply in a braid helps to keep them preserved.
Step 6: Always remember to take your vitamins for optimal hair health. A basic hair, skin and nail vitamin can do the trick. Using a hair vitamin as well as maintaining a healthy diet and exercise is the best way to go.
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Poolside Hair Favorites: Edition 1
Here are a few of my favorite hair items to keep on hand:
Fekkai Marine Summer Hair Beachcomber Leave-in - I spritz this on when I'm planning on hitting the water again in a while. It adds moisture to my hair and it feels renewed after using just a little bit. You know how you're hair can feel dry after getting out of the water, even after rinsing? Well this is the solution to that problem.
Available from Amazon
Biolage Thermal-Active Repair Cream - Even though this is a thermal product, meaning it's mean to be used with heat tools what's hotter than the sun? This product gets a spot in my bag because it features Cera Heat Technology which is a restorative blend of ceramide and natural oils. I save this product to use once I'm done with the pool and I'm just going to be laying out because it does provide a light hold.
HairMax LaserComb Review – Rejuvenate Your Lifeless Hair With Laser
Does the phrase "bad hair day" has stopped being metaphorical for you and is already becoming an everyday reality? The HairMax LaserComb Premium Edition is a medical laser device that uses Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or Laser PhotoTherapy for your hair to help invigorate your scalp and promote a healthier looking hair.
Is your hair becoming duller each day or have you noticed that you have been losing some progressively? Then maybe it's high time that you start considering this very effective treatment. The HairMax LaserComb is the first laser treatment device that has received an FDA approval to market for promotion of hair growth. And using it is so very simple to use: just comb your hair with it in a slow, deliberate manner for 10-15 minutes a day, three times a week and you will see the noticeable improvement of your hair in weeks.
In fact, the Hairmax LaserComb is so effective that over 90% of the people who have used it see visible results within just 12 weeks of use, while around 45% of users observe visible results within a mere 8 weeks of use, and about 45% of users realize its benefits within 8-12 weeks of use. Only a small number users perceive an improvement of their hair at a longer time which is around 12-16 weeks but is nevertheless still effective for them. It has been shown to work for both men and women, as well as people within the age range of 18-80 years old.
The science behind the HairMax LaserComb is that it uses the principle of "Photo-Bio Stimutation" where in the LaserComb delivers nutrient-rich laser beams to the hair follicle so that it revitalizes it for growth. As a result, if you use this product at the stage when you are starting to become losing your hair, the LaserComb will slow the process down and regrow hair. This treatment is non-invasive and you won't even feel any pain while using it, only a bit of warmth from the laser, so you won't have any problems at all.
Don't wait anymore until the damage in your hair is already irreversible and start doing yourself the favor with the HairMax LaserComb. To get this wonderful product, go here.
Blonde, how blonde?
The first thing to remember if you've never coloured your hair before, is that it's a risky business and we urge that you don't ignore safety features such as the 48 hour patch test and that you follow guidelines on lightening your shade or you may end up with that dodgy orange that people try so hard to avoid.
The second thing to consider is your skin tone, you may absolutely love a haircut and colour on a celebrity or friend but you have to think carefully about whether this would look good on you, in terms of skin tone, face shape and hair type. If you're not sure, your hairdresser will advise and they do tend to know what they're talking about.
Blonde can suit all different types of hairstyles but you may be disappointed with the result if you don't plan carefully first. For example, if you've got lovely long, dark brown, shiny hair and you wish to go blonde, it's important to realise that dying it blonde could make it dry and also make it look much thinner than the brunette version. This is one of the reasons why very light blondes often go for a short, choppy and funky style with which good condition is easier to maintain. The other thing is that it may take a few goes to get it as light as you want it so we'd recommend having it done professionally to start with and then doing it yourself from then on. With the ever popular fringe, remember that blonde can make the fringe look less full so if you like the blunt, full fringe make sure you've got lots of hair if you're blonde otherwise think about going for a darker shade. You can get away with a lot if you have curly hair but with sleek locks, the conditioning has to be perfect so when lightening your hair, it's worth investing in some professional hair care products that will save you from the dreaded scarecrow hair.
Ice / Platinum Blonde – Great for those with high cheekbones and pixie features and those with a quirky or asymmetric hairstyle. Light Ash / Ash Blonde – A subtle blue / grey tinge gives this blonde a real edge and can make blue eyes appear even bluer.
Baby Blonde – for that sweet and innocent look, like butter wouldn't melt, this is a great choice for those with fine hair and a cute little baby fringe. Natural Blonde – Perfect for those who are trying to convince the world that they're a natural blonde or for those who are not quite as blonde as they'd like to be. Golden Blonde – This can create gorgeous shiny blonde locks even for those with longer hair because of the lower levels of peroxide. Dark Blonde – A subtle shade better for covering greys than creating drama or a whole new look.
The secret to beautiful blonde hair, no matter what shade you choose, is great conditioning, so get onto buying cheap Tigi hair products or professional hair care products from any other reputable brand, it really will be worth the investment.
Celebrity Beautiful Long Women Hairstyles 2010
A lot of beautiful celebrities are wearing cool long hairstyles as you can see in the pics below celebs like Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johansson or Shakira.Jessica Biel its wearing a beautiful long Wavy Cut,Kate Mara a Long Center Part,Scarlett Johansson Long Curls and Anna Kendrick paired her printed dress with long curls.Shakira with her very nice wavy blonde hair wears a soft waves with visible rich brown roots, here are some photos:
Rock the Look: Monica at the 2010 BET Awards
Step 3: Curl small sections of hair with a small flat iron while randomly curling pieces in the OPPOSITE direction of the rest of the hair, allowing hair to “stand up.” This showcases the shape of the cut and creates beautiful texture.
Step 4: Add shine to hair by massaging a dollop of Motions Shine Enhancing Pomade in hands and rubbing through hair. The Pomade provides hold while shaping hair to create beautiful curls!
Step 5: Finally, to keep hair in place all day - finish the look with Motions Light Hold Working Spritz.
& yes! Motions got a makeover! Check out the new packaging below.
Joi's on Madame Noire
More about Madame Noire: Madame Noire is a passionate, cutting-edge web publication geared towards African-American women. The publication's mission is to unite black women at various stages of their lives, around a common aspiration for better, more fulfilling lifestyles.
Thanks again guys! You're the best.
Buena Park, Brea, and O.C. Railroads

The Brea Museum & Heritage Center, 495 S. Brea Blvd, will host an exhibit July 3 to Sept. 18 on early U.S. aviation history – with an emphasis on Southern California. The exhibit includes historical photos and documents and a walk-in diorama booth featuring the famous Jan. 1910 Air Meet at Rancho Dominguez Field. The Museum is open on Saturdays, 10am to 3pm.
Rob Richardson will discuss and sign his new book, Railroads and Depots of Orange County, at the Old Orange County Courthouse on July 1, from noon to 1pm.
The Unbearable Shortness Of Being
But how does anyone deal with the death of a young adult. There is no way to put an ameliorating layer of "he lived a full life" on the comprehension of death. The death of the young is so very sad because it is also the death of potential. Who would this young man have become if he had lived out his life? What would he have brought to the world?
In this particular situation there are even more questions about how a strapping young man of 20 could disappear on his way home from a friend's house in Bel Air a mile away from his home in Brentwood. How the police and coroner could mistake the identity of a hit and run victim for two days after the family had filed a missing persons report, searched the neighborhoods and trails of western Bel Air by foot, hired a private investigator and searched by bloodhound and helicopter.
A rather amazing thing came out of the senselessness of this situation. Through the use of Facebook and Twitter, the news of his disappearance spread quickly and many more people than just the immediate family and friends could be on the lookout for him. Unfortunately, by then it was too late but it was an important reminder of how technology can help in times of crisis.
Jamie O'Connell, had your grandfather lived to have seen the fine young man that you became, he would have been very proud.
Jamie O'Connell, R.I.P.
Beauty Break: Sephora makes Sun Safety Easy
Every year Sephora and The Skin Cancer Foundation rounds up the best sun protections products availabe to create the Sephora Sun Safety Kit. For just $25.00 the Sephora Sun Safety Kit has got you covered and 100% of the net profits will benefit The Skin Cancer Foundation.
Why I love it: As a brown girl finding a sunblock that doesn't make me look like I'm radioactive is a hard feat. Either I have a radioactive purple tint or I look like a stand in for HBO's True Blood. All the sun safety products, including eye cream and lip balm, and self tanner come in an adorable pink clutch too!
Keep Reading to find out what brands are included:
Sephora’s 2010 Sun Safety Kit includes:
Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer SPF15 & Dermaxyl™ (0.25 oz) - This anti-aging primer contains SPF15 to guard against UVA/UVB rays while prepping skin for perfect foundation application.
DDF Ultra-Lite Oil-Free Moisturizing Dew™ UV Moisturizer SPF 15 (0.23 oz) – This fragrance-free lotion absorbs quickly and replenishes moisture while providing full UVA/UVB protection.
Kate Somerville Protect SPF 55 Serum Sunscreen (0.16 oz) – A breakthrough serum-based sunscreen that offers broad spectrum SPF 55 protection without a chalky white residue.
Murad Essential-C Eye Cream SPF 15 (0.14 oz) – A patented formulation designed to correct, protect and hydrate with powerful Vitamin C and UVA/UVB protection.
Bliss Best of Skintentions Daily Moisturizer (0.34 oz) – A weightless daily moisturizer that has it all: UVA/UVB protection, vitamins, minerals and omegas. It defends against free radical damage, and contains illumination phytonutrients to even skin tone.
PeterThomasRoth Max Sheer All Day Moisture Defense Lotion with SPF 30 (0.25 oz) – This ultra-light lotion offers maximum hydration and utilizes Parsol® 1789 for protection from UVA rays.
Ole Henriksen Herbal Day Crème SPF 15 (0.25 oz) - Ideal for sensitive skin, this day crème shields skin with SPF 15 while harnessing the power of herbal ingredients to soothe, hydrate and repair.
Cover FX BritePrep FX Brightening Foundation Primer & Photo Aging Defense SPF 50 (0.16 oz) – This “anti-UV” makeup primer creates the ideal surface for makeup while fighting the effects of the sun both before and after exposure with SPF 50 and skin illuminators.
Bare Escentuals Summer Bisque SPF 20 (0.02 oz) – A touch of color and skin protecting SPF 20 help this multi-tasking face product conceal and enhance skin while protecting from the sun’s rays.
Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protection Lotion N SPF 60 PA+++ (0.23 oz) – This highly nourishing, anti-aging sunscreen defends against UVA/UVB rays with one of the highest levels of SPF available.
Jack Black Lip Balm Intense Therapy Lip Balm SPF 25 with Lemon and Chamomile (0.10 oz) – Lips are even more vulnerable to the sun than the face and body so keep this hydrating balm handy to keep them looking and feeling luscious.
Clarins Delectable Self Tanning Mousse SPF 15 (0.27 oz) – This light, creamy, non-tinted self tanning mousse is the only way to guarantee a safe sun-kissed look.
UVSUNSENSE Bracelet – Never question if you’re protected again! This bracelet monitors the sun’s UVA/UVB rays and indicates when it’s time to reapply sunscreen or head for the shade.