Happy Birthday to Ashley Dupre
Kristin Cavallari poses with Pup
El Toro Country Store and Tustin home tour

The Tustin Area Historical Society will host Old Town Tustin's 2009 Promenade Home & Garden Tour on Sat., May 2, 9am-4pm. Visit their website for more information.
HiFi Bar, Gigs of the Week - April 30th

As for other factors, it was kind of difficult to tell what the venue will be like in the future due to the fact that things were obviously not finished (in addition to the Vinyl Bar being boarded up only one bathroom was operational in the main venue, for example). Apparently the bar staff were operating on only the most basic training from the venue and so any slowness on their part can be somewhat forgiven. Drink prices were kind of high anyway so after my first drink I never returned to the bar. There were a LOT of photographers and video cameramen in the crowd who occasionally got in the way, but I imagine this was just because it was opening night, though the venue has stated that many shows will be videoed and a feed will be shown in the Vinyl Bar so maybe the video cameramen will be a somewhat permanent fixture? I guess we'll find out soon enough.
On the plus side it has decent air-conditioning which will be a big help in summer, and frankly it's just nice to be seeing a gig somewhere other than the valley for once.
Thursday 30th:
Modern Love: Rocketsmiths, Hungry Kids of Hungary, Nikko, Mass Migration (final show) @ The Zoo - 4zzzFM fundraiser. Tickets are half price for subscribers.
Ball Park Music (Album Launch), Blame Ringo, Jake Rush & The Bad Habits @ The Troubadour
Drawn From Bees, The Strange Attractors - Ric's Bar
Friday 1st:
Aleks & The Ramps (Vic), Toy Balloon @ Ric's Bar
The Grates, Children Collide (Vic), DZ @ The Hifi - I think this is sold out so I'm not too sure why I'm listing it.
Hazards of Swimming Naked, Le Fricken Hecks, Soma, The Sea Shall Not Have Them @ Rosie's Downstairs
Saturday 2nd:
New Jack Rubys, Hotel Motel, Skritch, Sabrina @ The Troubadour
Twist Oliver Twist, Last Dinosaurs, Wipedoubt, Damasyria, Arado, Kybosh, Beth Lucas @ The Globe
Moon Jog @ Ric's Bar
Swaying Buildings @ Ric's Bar (4pm)
Sunday 3rd:
Secret Birds @ Ric's Bar
Live Spark: Wind & Brackets, Grand Atlantic @ The Powerhouse
Lots of bands I can't be bothered listing @ The Caxton St Seafood Festival
Also don't forget that this is the last week to see the Underexposed Exhibition at Joshua Levi Galleries. There are bands and everything.
+ Eno stopalo je odrezano, ker sem se slikala v ogledalu, da pa ni noge, sem opazila šele, ko sem šla obdelovat sliko. :S

100 - yeeeeej

Evo, moja stota objava. Na začetku sem mislila, da je ne bo, pa mi je bloganje kar malo zlezlo pod kožo :)
btw, 3 dni nazaj sem se končno naučila tudi vstaviti "visit counter". Prej sem vedno v googla napisala: people counter, pa mi nikoli ni bilo jasno, zakaj mi ne vrže ven nobene strani, kjer bi si brezplačno lahko poštimala to zadevščino. Dokler nisem par dni nazaj pri fantu spala in kar naenkrat me je presunilo (ko sem še spala..), da vedno narobe vpišem v iskalnik :DDD.
naštimala sem si Toboads oglase. Imate kaj izkušenj z njimi??? Se dejansko zasluži kakšen €. Sama sem si jih nastavila bolj iz firbca, kot pa iz želje po zaslužku, ker nekako sumim, da je ni :D
Zaenkrat sem v dveh dneh zaslužila 17 centov..!! :D Denar pa mi bodo nakazali šele, ko bom imela 40€. :D Tako da sumim, da bom najbolj redne bralce in klikerje na oglase lahko čez cca 5 let peljala na kavo - če ne bo takrat kava v naših preljubih lokalih dosegla še višjo nenormalno ceno :D
Torej, na plan z željami, pohvalami, kritikami, pripombami, ..
(no, malo lahko upoštevate dejstvo, da sem še dokaj nova na sceni, da ne boste prestrogi do mene :DD)

Danes je tak super dan - kot narejen za učenje. Dež pada, nobenega ni zunaj, vsi so zaspani, nič se jim ne da,... Meni pa tako vreme paše. Ravno takrat, ko se okoli mene nič pametnega ne dogaja, se lahko učim. Ker ničesar ne zamudim.. :DD
Mika me samo, da bi si prebrala e-knjigo Twilight. Pa si nekako ne upam, ker po pričevanju prijateljic ne moreš nehati, ko jo enkrat začneš brati. Ste jo že prebrale?
Danes zjutraj sem tudi "prebrala" knjigo Preklestvo v zlati kletki (dramatična zgodba Urške Čepin, napisana pod peresom nane Zanelli). Ja vem ja, tako sem bila proti, a me je premamilo in sem rekla soforumašici, naj mi jo pošlje na mail. Moje mnenje: Loooooooooooooooooooooool. Preskakovala sem poglavja, samo da sem bila skozi. Na vsaki strani je drugače itak samo ene par besed- sedaj končno razumem, kako jim je uspelo knjigo raztegniti na tako veliko strani (blizu 200). Na sredi je par strani fotografij - nedolžna Urša slikana v takih in drugačnih položajih :DD
In ja, knjiga je napisana na nivoju osnovnošolskega spisa. Najbolj v dobro voljo so me pa spravile besede: kurvešta, seksulja, ... :S
simpatično sličico sem dobila tukaj
Which one looks worst? :D

Ali se vam zdi, da je Beyonce izbrala pravi kroj za svojo postavo?
Mislite, da Lady GaGa pretirava s svojo "ekstravaganco"?

Space Age Orange and Viewliner Ltd.

Citrus trucks and Tustin Hills Citrus Association

Doug McInstosh, who submitted this item, writes, "If you look closely on the citrus truck door, the letter reads 'Tustin Hills Citrus Association.'"
Also note that the truck is not a flatbed. That isn't a big trailer on the back -- It's a perfect stack of field boxes -- full of fruit.
There's another 1930s photo of the truck (along with the rest of the fleet) on James Lancaster's "Historic Packing Houses and Other Industrial Structures in Southern California: Virtual Tour of Orange County" website.

Malo sem pogooglala in ugotovila da je vse res :D
Moja krtača je sicer namenjena podaljšanim lasem, vendar mi jo je frizerka priporočala, ker je res super za uničene konice (nekako ti jih zgladi, da izgledajo bolj "zdrave). V glavnem super je..
Ta znamka tudi sicer sploh ni draga (krtača okoli 7 funtov, pri nas seveda 12€).
malo pomoči prosim :)

Že nekaj časa si želim imeti kožne salonarje. So nek tak basic kos, ki res paše povsod.
Sedaj jih po naših slabo založenih trgovinah iščem že kar nekaj časa. Ste jih mogoče ve kje opazile?

Lady Drama on Chingy, Ray J and everything in between
Lady Drama speculates on Chingy’s sex life, and why Ray J picked Cocktail over Unique. Click the image to watch!
El Toro
A paper tacked up next to this painting reads, "Edgar Gerry Starr (1908-1971) was born in Imperial, CA on Sept. 8, 1908. He graduated from high school in Oakland and then atteneded the CCAC [California College of Arts & Crafts] and PAFA [Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts]. Returning to Los Angeles, he studied with Lawrence Murphy and Millard Sheets at the Chouinard School of Art. During the 1930s he was employed at Disney Studios while exhibiting in juried shows in California and Arizona. He made many sketching trips with Sheets to Mexico. After 'discovering' Puerto Vallarta, he and his wife settled there in 1954. His Disney work includes 'Pinocchio,' 'Fantasia,' and 'Song of the South.'"
The painting depicts the old Santa Fe depot at El Toro, which was built in 1887. Sadly, it is long gone.
Recently, someone called me out (in a "mostly kidding" way) for referring to Lake Forest as El Toro. I do so because it was called El Toro for over 153 years (since at least 1838). It's only been Lake Forest since 1991. The only lakes or forests in the area are completely manmade.
As my friend Jeremy Tweet points out, "There's another Lake Forest, CA. It's located at Tahoe. Where they have things like lakes and forests."
On the other hand, perhaps we should rename Anaheim "Alpine Falls, California." After all, they have a fake Matterhorn with a fake waterfall on it. And the name Anaheim has only been in use since 1857. The new name would probably help developers sell more condos, too. (I shouldn't give them ideas!)

btw. imam en nov programček, kjer lahko skupaj mečeš slike, jih urejaš,.. zaenkrat se še malo lovim.. tako da kolaži niso ne vem kako super :S
Tony JAA's next movie "Ong bak 3"...

Remember what was said by Sia Jieang in the Gala Premiere video posted on News.mcot.net, about Tony JAA's next movie "Ong bak 3"...
He says that Ong Bak 3 will be full of more daredevil fightings between Dan Chupong and Tony JAA. Moreover, in Ong Bak 3 Tien's legs and arms (Tien is Tony's character) will be torturely damaged.
Consequently, Tien has to fight with some sort of boneless action. This is homework for Panna Rittikrai and Tony JAA to create the action for us to see what it will look like to fight in the state of boneless condition.
The Set of Khmer Palace which is already seen by the press is now fortified for its further usage. It will not be considered worthwhile if it is removed. Moreover, there is now a list of Ong Bak 3 casts including the name of Dan Chupong and Nui Kessarin who will be in the same set with Tony JAA.
h&m norija
Ok, verjamem da si pač želijo en dizajnerski kos.. samo da se ljudje napol pretepajo.. da čakajo 12 ur pred trgovino, da se odpre... TO JE PA BOLNO!!
Tukaj je vsa norija v eni od h&m-ovih poslovalnicah opisana tudi časovno.. Najbolj bolno mi je to, da so celo odštevali.. loool no, ne moreš odštevati in čakati dvanajst ur pred trgovino zaradi ene majice :S Pa še kolekcija ni nič posebnega, samo znano ime se je podpisalo pod njo..
Da je v dvajsetih minutah zmanjkalo vse..
Ali pa tole:
10:20 a.m.
The sales clerk regales me with the story of a woman who emerged from a fitting room in a leather jacket asking, "Does this fit me?" A group of girls waiting in line respond on cue: "No, it looks ugly and it does not fit you!"
ahahaha.. konec solidarnosti :DDDD
10:09 a.m.
A group of women are found huddled in the store's menswear department, bartering their pile of items. "I'll trade you this belt for that bag."
si kar predstavljam :S
Ali pa da možu narišeš mapo in risbo majice, ki si jo želiš, ter ga pošlješ v roj besnih žensk..
Bi se šle boriti zraven ali se vam vse skupaj zdi ena velika bedarija?
tuji modni blogi prvič
Alice in Wonderland - punca obvlada plastenje. Nase ponavadi "nameče" po deset kosov, vendar na koncu izpade kot čudovita celota
Karla's closet - top blog. Punca ima res dober stil in neomejeno blazerjev :D
Sea of shoes - zelo mlada bloggerka, ki se pri svojih 17ih letih pojavlja po modnih revijah v vseh državah. Da o številu njenih čevljev ne govorim..
Nitrolicious - tukaj lahko izveste vse modne novosti.
fashion toast - basic oblačila + zanimivi dodatki delajo čudeže!
Berete modne bloge? Kateri so vam najljubši?
real hollywood MOVIE

The close of the New Hollywood era
On realizing how much money could potentially be made in films, major corporations started buying up the Hollywood studios. The corporate mentality these companies brought to the filmmaking business would slowly squeeze out the more idiosyncratic of these young filmmakers, while ensconcing the more malleable and commercially successful of them.
The New Hollywood's ultimate demise came after a string of box office failures that many critics viewed as self-indulgent and excessive. Directors had enjoyed unprecedented creative control and budgets during the New Hollywood era, but expensive flops including At Long Last Love, New York, New York, and Sorcerer caused the studios to increase their control over production.
New Hollywood excess culminated in two unmitigated financial disasters: Michael Cimino's Heaven's Gate (1980) and Francis Ford Coppola's One from the Heart (1982). After astronomical cost overruns stemming from Cimino's demands, Heaven's Gate caused severe financial damage to United Artists studios, and resulted in its sale to MGM. Coppola, having flourished after the near financial disaster of Apocalypse Now, plowed all of the enormous success of that film into American Zoetrope, effectively becoming his own studio head. As such, he bet it all on One from the Heart, which closed in less than a week, bankrupting Coppola and his fledgling studio. (Following the box-office disaster, Hollywood wags started referring to the picture as "One Through the Heart".)
These two costly examples, as well as the above-mentioned box-office failures, coupled with the new commercial paradigm of Jaws and Star Wars gave studios a clear and renewed sense of where the market was going: high-concept, mass-audience, wide-release films. Therefore, the costly and risky strategy of surrendering control to the director ended, and with that, the New Hollywood era.
The exploits of the New Hollywood generation are infamously chronicled in the book Easy Riders, Raging Bulls by Peter Biskind.
New Hollywood and independent filmmaking
It can often seem that the members of the New Hollywood generation were independent filmmakers. Indeed, some of their members have tacitly signaled that they were the precursors of the independent film movement of the 1990s.
However, this is not the case. The New Hollywood generation was firmly entrenched in the studio system, which financed the development, production and distribution of their films. None of them ever independently financed or independently released a film of their own, or ever worked on an independently financed production during the height of the generation's influence. Seemingly "independent" films such as Taxi Driver, Midnight Cowboy, The Last Picture Show and others were all studio films: the scripts were based on studio pitches and subsequently paid for by the studios, the production financing was from the studio, and the marketing and distribution of the films were designed and controlled by the studio.
There were only two truly-independent movies of the New Hollywood generation: Easy Rider in 1969, at the beginning of the period, and Bogdanovich's They All Laughed, at the end. Peter Bogdanovich bought back the rights from the studio to his 1980 film and paid for its distribution out of his own pocket, convinced that the picture was better than what the studio believed — he eventually went bankrupt because of this.
Truly independent filmmakers such as John Cassavetes, George Romero and Melvin Van Peebles — who secured outside financing and filmed their own scripts — were never a part of the New Hollywood generation, and should not be considered as such.
List of important figures in the New Hollywood era
Many of the filmmakers listed below did multiple chores on various film productions through their careers. They are here listed by the category they are most readily recognized as.
Writers and directors
The issue of whether or not a specific director belongs to the "New Hollywood" generation is a difficult one to address. Many of those listed below made either their only films or their most successful films (Bogdanovich or Hal Ashby) in this period. Others, such as Martin Scorsese or John Boorman, have continued to make acclaimed and successful films. Aside from this, however, "membership" of the New Generation is a blurred line. Thus, the list below does not include Stanley Kubrick or Sidney Lumet - although both of these directors were of the same generation as those below, they came to prominence in the late 1950s , in the latter part of the Classical Hollywood period. Initially, thus, their early films (famously Spartacus (1960) and 12 Angry Men (1957)) did not play a part in informing the New Generation zeitgeist as, say, Nashville (1975) or Midnight Cowboy (1969) did.
Gears of war................................................
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Plot Summary for Ong-bak (2003)

The Joy Zone, Seal Beach

Amenities at the base of the wooden pier included a bathhouse, a dance hall, concession stands, and the Jewel City Cafe. The pier itself (built in 1906) was billed as the longest south of San Francisco.
The Joy Zone sort of fell apart with the onset of the Great Depression. People stopped coming, the Derby burned down, and the whole place fell into disrepair. But by that time, Seal Beach had also developed a reputation as a haven for speakeasies, gambling and other illicit forms of entertainment -- Making the whole town into another kind of "joy zone" for years to come.