The Hills: "You always miss a Best Friend"

Photo by: MTV
Holly Montag, talks to to Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag about her lack of friends in the city, and how she was thinking about hanging out with Lauren. "Yea, you should totally hang out with Lauren, she's really cool.", Spencer sarcastically replied.
Later at work, Lauren Conrad receives an unexpected text from Holly about wanting to see her. Lauren and Whitney Port talk about how it might start more problems. "You can't escape from it, that's just the way it goes.", Whitney replied, encouraging Lauren to go.
Audrina Patridge recieves a big job for the upcoming showcase promoting The White Tie Affair. It's not only the band's first time in L.A. but Charlie Walk, the president of Epic Records, would be there. Kristin Loretta wanted Audrina to be her "right hand" at the event.
Lauren and Holly decide to meet for lunch at the Amandine Patissierie. They began to talk about where Holly was living. She couldn't help but to laugh about her living situation with Heidi and Spencer. They then begin to talk about how their friendship shouldn't be affected by the whole Heidi/Spencer situation. Holly said, "I was just thinking last night, we had the best times. We were like the 3 musketeers... I miss it."
Audrina and Justin Bobby go out on a date, where she invites him to The White Tie Affair showcase. She tells him how important his support will be, since she has so much lying on her shoulders at the event. Justin promises that he'll show up.
Later, with their friendship back on track, Audrina also invites Lauren to the showcase as well.
At the showcase, all seems to run smoothly. Lauren and Audrina danced to The White Tie Affair, but Audrina didn't have fun for long, when she realized Justin wouldn't show up. Stephanie Pratt flirted with the band's guitarist. He showed her his nipple piercings and she tells him that she once had a secret tongue piercing.
Later, Holly decides to tell Heidi about her and Lauren's lunch together. Heidi, a little upset and confused, tells Holly not to mention the lunch to Spencer.
During class, Lauren talks to Stephanie about her meeting with Holly, and how it has left her feeling. Lauren says, "You always miss a best friend."
Is reconciliation soon to come for the X-BFF's Lauren and Heidi? What do you think?
Written by: Lindsey